Peperomia  Mixed 'Indoor Plants'
Peperomia  Mixed 'Indoor Plants Shrubs
Peperomia  Mixed Online
Peperomia  Mixed Shopping
Peperomia  Mixed 'Indoor Plants'
Peperomia  Mixed 'Indoor Plants Shrubs
Peperomia  Mixed Online
Peperomia  Mixed Shopping

Peperomia Mixed

KWD 3.500

In Stock

Fulfilled by - Ashtaal

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Product Quantity
Product Details
Color : Green
Vendor Serial Code : mixed
Species : peperomia
Variety : peperomia
Difficulty to Grow : Very Easy
Sunlight : Indirect Sunlight
Common Names : peperomia
Water : Dry
Soil : Organic Potting Soil
Fertilizers : Balanced Fertilizer
Pot Size (cms) : 12
Genus : Peperomia
Plant Height (cm) : 20
Pot Size (cm) : 12
Toxic Level : Low
Country of Origin : Holland

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